fredag 30 oktober 2009
lördag 10 oktober 2009
tisdag 6 oktober 2009

Finally got my copy of Juliette or Vice Amply Rewarded Part I-II by Marquis De Sade today from vertigo, And damn it looks as stunning and perverted as the writings of the Marquis. Well folks i know what i will be reading tonight. And i have to say if Vertigo keeps publishing books that look this good they will have a new loyal member in it's storm-troops. And if you haven't already bought your self a copy and can read swedish march over to and buy a copy now
Der Blutharsch @ Camden Underworld London 18.09.09 Video av [IF] - MySpace Video
Not the gig me and my friend went to but still the same tour and songs so here you go folks.
some good music to occupy a couple of minutes of your life.
Enjoy i know i did
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Insomnia and the creation of this blog

Normally I don't mind my insomnia I just read, listen to and make music or watch tv. But when I can't concentrate on anything due to the fact that my brain has decided that it wants to try to make sense of certain things that it has no hope in hell of doing well then I hate it. So fuck it let's piss it off and force it in to trying to do a blog. So this blog will be a collection of ramblings, Observations, Memories and what's generally floating around in my head. Some good some bad and some just plain weird but that's all just part of me. So before i bore anyone to death with this rambling I'm off to have a smoke and try to force my self to some sleep (and yes there will be spelling and grammatical errors, Deal with it)